When you apply for a visa to move to another country must meet certain obligations. One of the main pre-requisites is that an individual must demonstrate that they have a 'good character' by providing a valid character certificate for immigration.
If you have a past criminal conviction, Immigration officials will need to decide whether you are a reformed character by showing your criminal record certificate.
There are two main ways that criminal convictions can impact a person’s immigration status – inadmissibility and removability (meaning “deportability”). Below is detailed information on what each of these terms means and what you should do in each case.
If a person is inadmissible, it means that they are not allowed to enter in that country. That could be an admission in the form of receiving a green card within the country or applying to change from one status to another from within the country. It can also apply to you is if you leave the country, even if you are a green card holder and you are reentering. Finally, if you are abroad and applying for any other kind of immigration status to enter a specific country you may be subject to the grounds of inadmissibility.
Removability (Deportability)
The second way that a criminal conviction can impact your immigration status is by making you deportable. The technical word is actually “removable,” but it applies to the people who have a lawful immigration status and are not doing anything to try to apply for a new status or to enter the country from abroad. They are already living legally but they are rendered deportable or removable because of the criminal conviction. It can also apply to people who have been lawfully admitted at some point but have subsequently fallen out of legal status.
Contact an Immigration Attorney to Tackle Charges
The biggest mistake that people often make is not consulting with an immigration attorney prior to accepting a criminal plea.
It is important for you to discuss the potential immigration consequences of a criminal charge with both an immigration attorney as well as a criminal attorney. More and more criminal attorneys are embracing their responsibility to advise people about immigration consequences, but in the past, it was a widespread concern. Or you can take help from an immigration consultancy company that offers immigration services.
Afreno, a government recognized immigration Consultancy Company in Qatar can ease your immigration status by providing you a well-created police clearance certificate that is a copy of your criminal record certificate or a declaration the absence of any criminal record.
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